::Snow Pink::
sweet owner

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hello peeps ! welcome to this not-so-interesting blog :D


    Adik manis & abang kacak,
    Sila tinggalkan jejak di bawah! Terima kasih daun keladi,
    lain kali datang lagi

    My one and only

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    basecode: Nurul AtiQah
    Edit by: Cikmimin
    Re-Edited By: Your Name

    i miss not having you to talk to.


    Today aku nak cerita about someone. Someone yang aku boleh panggil kawan baik jugak la. Alright. his name is................ no way aku nak mention his name kan? bahah XD kk tak lawak pun. We're having a kinda huge fight. Pasal apa pun aku tak pasti. Tapi ada lah sebabnya dan aku ingatkan dia tak ambik kesah pun sebab this guy memang 100% heartless. he never ever care about others feeling. He is such a selfish and poyo person. he never apologize dekat sesiapa even cikgu. Dia sangat keras kepala and i know him very well. That is why aku tak pernah expect any apologize from him everytime kitorang gaduh. Everytime? yeah everyday every minute kitorang akan gaduh over small matter.. such as pinjam kerusi nak duduk, pinjam pen tak minta, siapa dapat markah lagi tinggi (selalu nya dia) etc etc. Mesti ada je benda yang dia tak puas hati dengan aku. MESTI! KALAU TAK ADA MEMANG TAK SAH *sigh* 

    Lagi satu sebab aku tak pernah expect is because haritu dia ada gaduh jugak dengan one of my friend. Memang teruk gak diorang gaduh  sampai perempuan tu nangis (aku lagi banyak kali nangis pasal dia) tapi dia tak minta maaf pun. dia siap kacau and bahan that girl lagi tauu. so meannnn!!! and now diorang dah baik. while me? still tak bertegur tak bercakap tak bersemuka. Walaupun kitorang duduk sebelah sebelah. hes very quiet nowadays.... Tak macam selalu. Asyik termenung je. Kadang kadang aku ada jugak curi curi pandang dia. risau pulak aku. rasa macam nak pergi and tanya dia why dia termenung and so quiet :( that is not because me kan? or it is? Semua orang nampak perubahan dia tu. Benda tu jadi since kitorang gaduh. Dia selalu pindah duduk belakang sebab tempat dia dekat sebelah aku. well, hmmmm i miss him. i miss talking to him. rindu nak gaduh dengan dia. fyi, i like him. im having a hugeeeee crush on him. i know this is stupid but i cant help it. he never fail to make me smile........ and now im so worried :/

    You have no idea. No idea of how I feel about you. Of how much I care about you. Of how amazing and beautiful you are. Of what I think we could become. Of how much you make me happy and sad at the same time. Of how much you make me feel alive. Of the butterfly riot that takes place in my stomach when you talk to me, or bbm me. Of how much you make me worried and scared. You have no idea, do you?