::Snow Pink::
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    Adik manis & abang kacak,
    Sila tinggalkan jejak di bawah! Terima kasih daun keladi,
    lain kali datang lagi

    My one and only

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    basecode: Nurul AtiQah
    Edit by: Cikmimin
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    Hey. this is a kind of random post since i dont know what to do and im bored to death.

    Harini tak ada buat apa apa. just doing some research about people yang famous on twitter. Today im researching a guy...... a cute guy named miyyo azman. i just want to know who is he and why girls was like toooooo obsessed with him. Maybe because of his cute baby face or dia ni macam justin bieber version melayu. something like that lah. and he closed his twitter account sebab dia banyak haters yang tak suka dia. kot? im not sure about that. and i dont want to make a false statement. Saja suka suka buat research. dah tak ada kerja dah. And nah! dia popular sebab dia cute. and semua gambar of him , sangat cool. Looks like aku dah ketinggalan zaman. maybe masa orang bash dia , aku tak active on twitter kot? sekarang kann facebook dah kurang pengunjung, twitter yang famous sekarang. lepas ni apa? friendster? tagged? hi5? lol. Blogger gak tak ada siapa boleh lawan ;p

    okay im done. hidung luka. sakit gila. bye.